Friday, June 04, 2004

The Beer Drinking Place at Boat Quay

KZ got A to come to that beer drinking place we had been occupying since 8pm. The French Open was roaring away on the crystal clear plasma TV. Very relaxing, very interesting. People drowned themselves in the flights of alcoholic ascent, while I got spiced up by the mocktail Virgin Mary.

True, A was a cute one indeed. So delicate in her black blouse and seemingly long skirt. I adore her eyes. I adore her smile. What chemistry at the University had done to her I knew not. I knew that her day of birth comes in 2 days time, and I am not going to be the man holding her hands and whispering, "Dear, how glad I am your mum gave birth to you, my lovely Angel."

Please give KZ a bed, for he was dreamily choking himself in the strawberry beer. He needed guidance. He needed a real woman in his life. But this need was false. Unselfish as we were, we needed no partners in life. We were complete - with flaws but without mistakes. We were perfect when evaluated from Providence's point of view. Let KZ not be manipulated by Cupid's arrows too many a time. No, he will run out of arrows soon.


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