Saturday, June 05, 2004

The Caller Who Invaded My Space

The voice that came over the phone encompassed the vigour of a 18 year old girl I got to know over the net. At 4.45pm in the afternoon, my mind was pondering over the possibility of going out for a jog later in the evening. But this surprise caller interrupted my line of thoughts completely.

"Hi, I am P here. Are you G? I have your name in my phonebook but I don't know why I know you. May I find out how I got to know you? ... ... Oh is it? By the way I am promoting this new membership that costs $358 ... May I know what cuisine you like? ... If you bring one person to the restaurant you will get a 50% discount ... ... "

Excellent. At this point I wanted to press the red button on my phone. Was she hoping to get some sales out of me? I stayed in the conversation for a while longer. Soon, after she found out I wasn't interested in the membership, she began asking me about other stuff. I felt the minutes ticking away and I felt I must stop or I would hardly have any more free minutes left by the end of the month.

"Hey I need to call one of my friends. He messaged me."

"Ok. I will call you later."

I didn't pick up her call later. Or should I say I didn't pick up her calls. She called 4 times. Certainly she knew by this time I was far from being a potential customer. But I guess she felt I was a potential mate. I apologised to her.

At 915pm she called again, asking me to call her. She felt bored on the train. So I obliged. And we talked and we talked.

Was this all correct? It didn't seem right to me. A girl calling me and wanting to talk to me for 2 very different reasons in a day. Or could there only be one reason? I shall find out in the days to come.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell her u are a carnivore and love people. After all, she asked you to bring one person to the restaurant and get that 50% discount.

Fri Oct 14, 09:34:00 am  

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