Friday, June 10, 2005

The 10 Actions to Unwholesome Karma (Buddhism Segment)

Do you find yourself very good-looking, full of charisma, and enjoying a life free from illness? Well, this is NOT the result of good luck. This is due to the fact that you have accumulated enough wholesome karma in the past to be reborn into an elevated state of existence.

Similarly, if you are afflicted by all manner of sufferings and are unattractive in appearance, you have to blame yourself for having accumulated too much negative karma through unwholesome actions.

What constitutes unwholesome actions? There are TEN of them in all - 3 physical, 4 verbal, 3 mental.


  1. wilful killing
  2. stealing
  3. improper sexual acts


  1. lie with the intention to deceive
  2. slander in order to cause friction
  3. idle gossip
  4. harsh words


  1. covetousness (strong desire to possess something that belongs to another person)
  2. harbouring harmful thoughts towards others
  3. wrong views

Wholesome karma is generated through the opposite of these. For example, instead of taking lives, we save them; instead of stealing, we practise generosity.


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