Saturday, July 03, 2004

The Buddy Phenomenon

My subject this time revolves around JN again. She is a fascinating character to analyse because she is a very typical girl - one who seeks love, but in a fashion frowned upon by many of the opposite sex, and perhaps even of the same.

As previously mentioned, JN has many suitors. And as would be expected, most of them have already verbally expressed their utmost love for her. Never wanting to disapoint any of them, she would always come out with the same story:

"You love me? But I don't love you in the same way as you love me. Why not we just be friends? Good friends? Best friends? You can be my BUDDY..."

At this point in time the guy will pounce on any chance to continue their relationship with their muse.

"Who cares if she doesn't take me in now? She will some day. As long as I hang around, she might eventually see something good in me and she will be mine!"

Such wishful thinking. How many more guys must fall into this self-deluding trap? It pains me to see those innocent simple-minded guys believe so much in themselves, and in the end, after 2 years or so, they realise they have wasted their youth waiting for a girl, who in the first place, never had any plans to go beyond just being friends, or BUDDIES.

Is JN at fault for leading these guys on and into the quicksand? Many wouldn't think so. Those guys are stupid. They are naive.

Buddies really have 2 functions. First, they can be kept as "backups" in case one day JN can't find any more dates, she would just select the best BUDDY and marry him. Second, they provide an avenue where new friends can be made - more importantly, more guy friends and more BUDDIES can be enslaved.

Personally, I think even if JN is not morally dysfunctional, she will reap the seeds she sows. Think of this scenario where she selects the best BUDDY of them all. To qualify as a BUDDY, you need to have perseverence and you need to swallow your pride deep down. And such guys usually aren't too "macho". So in the end, a procrastinating JN will just be left with the sissy guys. Maybe that is what JN wants. Not too bad anyway - sensitive guys are hard to find, but sensitive and sissy? JN might as well go to a gay club.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

JN isn't in the wrong, at least not when she stated her stand right from the start. It is instead the false hope that her suiters are fostering that's really to blame. Hope isn't always beautiful you know.

Tue Jul 06, 11:01:00 pm  

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