Sunday, August 29, 2004

The Pretty but Fleshy

Past my prime, and passing my time, I got to know this girl PC many months ago on the net. Lets get to know our subject better. She was an only child born to two very quarellsome parents and studying biotechnology in a certain institution. I will never forget the first time we chatted, she told me she was "pretty but fleshy". That catapulted my imagination to wild heights. How can a person be fleshy yet pretty?

So like all normal androgenic beings, I requested a digital image of her to be sent straight away through my blisteringly fast broadband connection. To my utmost disappointment, and almost predictably, she didn't have any picture of her in digital form. It would be hard to verify such claim; for in this day and age, especially for a "pretty" girl who already had 4 ex-boyfriends, I found that unpalatable truth.

I swallowed down my pride and persisted my online relationship with her. We chatted nearly every night for about a week after our initial encounter and we were really happy with the correspondence. Thus, once I realised our understanding couldn't get better just chatting on the net, I popped that all-important question.

"U wanna meet up?"


"How abt this Sun?"


Sunday came, and I was in such great mood. At last my imagination and my crazy night dreams could be laid to rest. But when she messaged me to tell she could not make the date, I was utterly shattered. Up till today, since that very Sunday, after more than 3 months, I still have not successfully gotten P out in the open and decoded that mysterious statement of "pretty, but fleshy".

The debate now is whether despite the difficulty of setting up baits, I should still carry on with this online relationship and hope that one day P will be free and come out to see me. Was "pretty" an overstatement that she doesn't want me to find out? And was "fleshy", in similar fashion, an understatement? Most of the people I surveyed in school were all in agreement with the above 2 statements. And somehow, that was the feeling I got too!

This is a tantalising decision. Stopping now will mean lost time doing work that never bore fruit; continuing will mean getting no results any time in the near future. Even if I do succeed in getting her out, do I want to be seen in public with her if she were fat and ugly? Too many doubts to consider and too many risks to take. The stand now is probably to just wait for her to present a bait to me. And I will definitely take it, since I have always appreciated the efforts of my peers. Some advice from the floor please.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty but fleshy, sounds like a leg of ham hanging from the butcher's showcase...There is beauty in mystery, indeed...
Totally carnal!

Fri Oct 14, 09:24:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so what if she is ugly or fleshy?
do you judge ppl by his/her looks?
if so.. you are much "uglier" than anyone I know..


you dont have a beautiful heart which makes yourself overall - UGLY

wake up

Fri Aug 04, 06:03:00 pm  
Blogger SnowPrince 雪王子 said...

Dear reader, i do not blame you for missing the macro point to the purpose of this entry.

First, you can't run away from the fact that we DO judge people by the way they look. We also judge people by many other means - for example, their character and their abilities.

Second, as you have rightly implied, there is nothing wrong with being fat OR ugly. But certainly, to say that you not fat when you happen to be otherwise is deception that reflects a flaw in character. Hence, if I were to judge her just by her character, she would have instantly become an "ugly" person.

Thanks for your comment. It has given me great reason to cultivate a more beautiful heart, for I realise how deep a girl looks into the inside of a man before she falls in love.

Sun Aug 06, 07:33:00 pm  

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