Monday, September 20, 2004

The Third Date Phenomenon

None of my past dates made it past the third date. And I must clarify I haven't had many dates before. Probably, a number that could be counted with less than all my fingers. To some, having one woman to go out with in your lifetime is an achievement already; to others, I have failed terribly.

What I am exceptionally curious about is what people have told me about dating. They say that if you manage to go out with the same girl for more than 3 dates, that girl almost undoubtedly has good feelings for you. How true that speculation is remains to be seen. Because up till now, I have still not experienced this yet.

Why would a girl ever want to go out with one guy more than once if she didn't like him at all? So why can't this magic number be cut down to 2? or even 1? Lets figure this out in a mathematical way.

Scenario 1:
Girl goes out with guy. Girl hates guy. But guy loves girl. So guy keeps calling girl to go out. Again and again. Girl bans guy from her network. End of story.

Scenario 2:
Girl goes out with guy. Girl hates guy. But guy loves girl. So guy thinks of some strange excuse to get girl out."Hey, I have got your favourite stamp collection. You wanna have a look?"Girl goes out with guy to see stamp collection. Girl loves stamp collection. But guy is too disgusting and anymore of him will cause irreversible damage to the vomiting mechanism. Girl bans guy from her network. End of story.

Scenario 3:
Girl goes out with guy. Girl hates guy. But guy loves girl. So guy thinks of some strange excuse to get girl out."Hey, I have got your favourite stamp collection. You wanna have a look?"Girl goes out with guy to see stamp collection. Girl loves stamp collection. Guy had an extreme make-over and this makes girl twinkle her eyes a little. "Maybe he is worth a million dollars". Girl goes out with guy one more time. But guy's furry wolf tail hangs out of his pants. Yucks. Enough of this disgusting guy. Girl bans guy from her network. End of story.

Can there be one more scenario? Possibly one more.

Scenario 4:
Girl goes out with guy. Girl hates guy. But guy loves girl. So guy keeps calling girl to go out. Girl wants a free lunch, movie, etc. Goes out one more time. Guy calls girl out for a third time. Girl wants free lunch, movie, etc. Goes out one more time. Guy realises it is all one way - NO, wait - this can actually go on indefinitely! Guy might never realise it is all one way and continues to ask girl out!

Quote from nowhere: "A blade of grass look so tempting to a herding cow. Two blades of grass look even more tempting. How about three? four? or even five? The cow will just eat them. So long as they are free."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think JS belongs to scenerio 4.

Thu Mar 24, 12:33:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl goes out with guy. Guy brings girl out for food. Girl becomes food for guy. Guy eats girl. Yum.

Sat Oct 15, 06:14:00 pm  

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